Moonbeams of Mahamudra by Traleg Kyabgon

Moonbeams of Mahamudra by Traleg Kyabgon

Moonbeams of Mahamudra The Classic Meditation Manual by Traleg Kyabgon Paperback 520 pages Published 2015 ISBN 978-0-9805022-3-7 Paperback $39.99 “In Mahamudra, we meditate on the nature of mind to attain the kind of realization that is genuine, immediate, and...
Buddhist and Freudian Psychology by Padmasiri de Silva

Buddhist and Freudian Psychology by Padmasiri de Silva

Buddhist and Freudian Psychology By:  Padmasiri de Silva Paperback 284 pagesPublished 2010ISBN 978-0-9805022-1-3Paperback $24.72 This book presents comparative perspectives on the nature of mind, motivation, conflict, anxiety and suffering, as well as the therapeutic...
Buddhist Existentialism by Robert Miller

Buddhist Existentialism by Robert Miller

Buddhist Existentialism From Anxiety to Authenticity and Freedom By Robert Miller Paperback 180 pages Published 2008 ISBN 978-0-9805022-0-6 Paperback $29.99 This book provides an outline of the Buddhist shunyata principle (the inherent emptiness of all phenomena), and...
Rimé: Buddhism Without Prejudice

Rimé: Buddhism Without Prejudice

Rimé: Buddhism Without Prejudice by Peter Oldmeadow Paperback $23.96 200 pages Published 2012 The Nineteenth Century Rimé (non-sectarian) movement played a major role in shaping modern Tibetan Buddhism. This book provides an overview of the movement, the major figures...