About Evam USA
Established in the year 2004 by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX, E-Vam Institute aims to provide opportunities for education across the many Buddhist traditions with a special focus on the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.

Our Programs & Projects
E-Vam holds regular study groups online throughout the year.
Our annual in-person Retreat is normally held in May at beautiful retreat facilities in West Virginia or Colorado. Lead by visiting Lamas and senior E-Vam students we take the opportunity to listen to teachings, meditate together and relax in beautiful surroundings.
For details about E-Vam’s ongoing programs please email office@evam.org and subscribe to our newsletter.
Evam’s Shogam Hermitage in Crestone Colorado Project is underway. Check out the progress here.